IviCivi – Rest In Peace
It has been more than a year since the IviCivi Project was launched. Over that time, neither civilitics nor the IviCivi Project gained the visibility nor understanding needed to complete the project successfully. We had hoped the appeal of a civilitic world and the opportunity to become involved through the project would capture the imagination of people around the world. Sadly, this never occurred.
As is common in all crowd-funded projects, early donations were principally provided by colleagues, friends, and family: people who knew our efforts and could vouch for the integrity of the cause, even if they were unable to vouch for civilitics itself.
It has never been the intention of the ICI to create explicit profit. In fact, it is expressly the intention if the ICI to create alternative ways for people to contribute in the world without appealing to profit-driven machinations. Unfortunately, the most direct avenue to execute a project of this type lies through traditional fund raising methods and we have failed.
As we prepare to abandon the IviCivi Project, we would like to return all funds that were initially donated, however they have already been spent to promote civilitics and the IviCivi Project itself. The ICI will continue to promote civilitic principles in some way, however the IviCivi Project missed its launch window and will be abandoned in January of 2017.