ICI Fellowship Application Guidelines

Application Instructions

Each application should include, as a single document, all five sections written in English. Only applications containing all five sections as a single document will be accepted for review. PDF is the preferred submission format.

Completed applications should be:

International Civilitics Institute
PO Box 259
Central City, NE 68826-0259

Section 1 – Cover Page (first page)

The Fellowship Application Cover Page may be downloaded in several formats (editable PDF, ODT, DOC). Choose a suitable format and fill it out, preferably electronically, to be included as the first page of the application. Please make an effort to preserve the formatting of the Cover Page and not extend beyond a single page.

Section 2 – Contributions (up to three pages)

We are interested to know about how you have contributed to the world in ways that were not for personal benefit. This should read something like a resume, listing most recent activity first. Please indicate the timeframe of the activity, what you did, why you feel it was important, and the extent of the commitment (total hours or hours per week, etc). Identify someone who can attest to your involvement and any compensation you received for your work.

This is one of the key components of civilitics (giving), but we recognize that contributing is sometimes a luxury that not everyone can afford. Even though you may not have contributed strongly in the past or have gaps in your activity, we want to understand what you would do, why you would do it, and (if appropriate) why you did not do it.

Section 3 – Civilitic Letter of Commitment (up to two pages)

The Civilitic Letter of Commitment (CLoC) is a concise principled statement of who you are. It is not a statement of who you want to be; but should reflect the outcomes of actions you have consistently taken over the course of your life.

Take time and compose what you think is an accurate CLoC for yourself. Run it past two or three close friends or family members to see if they find it to be an accurate representation of your character. Take their opinions seriously and refine the CLoC until you feel it is correct. Include comments of at least three (3) reviewers (include their first/last names and relationship to you) about what they think of your final CLoC.

Section 4 – Curriculum Vitae or Resume (up to two pages)

Provide a curriculum vitae or resume with details about your career, miscellaneous skills, evidence of utilizing a teamwork approach, and educational history of accomplishments.

Section 5 –  Personal Appeal (up to three pages)

Explain why you believe you are a good candidate for the ICI Fellowship position. This is the opportunity for you to synthesize pieces from the other sections into a cohesive argument. State how all the factors – who you are, what you have done, your position in life –  combine to make this a perfect opportunity for both you and the ICI.

Brevity is key for this section. Do not use the full three pages unless necessary. This should be a powerful and concise statement to support your position and not a long-winded summary of what has already been communicated in the other sections.

Writing Guide

  • Use the following formatting specifications:
    • font: Times New Roman
    • font size: 10 point
    • headings: 14 point, bold
    • spacing: 1.5 lines
    • left-justified text
    • margins: .75 inches on all sides
    • page size:  US Letter (8.5 in x 11 in)
    • lists & block quotes: indent to 1.25 inches
  • Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and paragraphs.
  • Avoid graphics and pictures, unless necessary to the content.
  • Use a formal writing style.
  • Begin each new section (see section list below) on a new page.
  • Attend to details, but don’t agonize over them. You have better things to do. Everyone makes a few mistakes; just don’t make too many.

Section list:

  1. Applicant Overview (one page)
  2. Contributions (1-3 pages)
  3. Civilitic Letter of Commitment (1-2 pages)
  4. Curriculum Vitae or Resume (1-2 pages)
  5. Personal Appeal (1-3 pages)

Creating an alternative to explicit and implicit economic dependence