ICI Fellowship Submission Form

Fellowship applications may be submitted at the bottom of this page. Also see more information about the ICI Fellowship Program. Please observe the Fellowship Application Guidelines when submitting information.

The “Area of Interest” field should contain the applicant’s primary area of expertise which they will be integrating with their study of civilitics. Our list includes the following areas of interest, but others are possible if adequately justified: advertising, big data, community organizing, computer networking, database architecture, documentary film making, economics, facilitation, financial systems, game theory, graphic design, human computer interfacing, journalism, linguistics, marketing, mathematics, mobile software development, political science, psychology, social media, sociology, software engineering, statistics, systems theory, web programming.

The (required) “Message” field may be used to reference any meta questions or comments about the fellowship application. Please include the mailing date of your hard copy  application packet.

Fellowship Application
* indicates required field

Acceptable file types: pdf,odt,doc,docx.
Maximum file size: 5mb.

Creating an alternative to explicit and implicit economic dependence