IviCivi Project

The International Civilitics Institute is undertaking an ambitious project to build and deploy a working civilitic framework by 2018. We feel it is important that the project be undertaken with the support of individual people rather than through the sponsorship of businesses and governments. Although we are asking for money, basing our funding on gifts from people who want a more collaborative way for working together will ensure this project remains independent of profit motivations.

The IviCivi Project will focus on two goals: locating a team of highly effective fellows and crowdfunding – mostly so that we can meet the needs of fellows while they create the foundation of a global ivi network.

The ICI is accepting applications to participate in the ICI Fellowship Program. Fellows will be selected for their innovative thinking, history of contribution, educational background, and technical expertise in areas that will be required to build and deploy a civilitic framework. Among the skills being sought are:

advertising, big data, community organizing, computer networking, database architecture, documentary film making, economics, facilitation, financial systems, game theory, graphic design, human computer interfacing, journalism, linguistics, marketing, mathematics, mobile software development, political science, psychology, social media, sociology, software engineering, statistics, systems theory, web programming

In concert with the fellowship search, we anticipate needing to generate about $4.1m to pay for office space, staffing, transportation, training, and to support the work of approximately 25 ICI Fellows for over two years. To reach this goal, we are running an on-going crowdfunding campaign at ivicivi.org. Because the iviCivi Project is intended to support the masses, we would rather seek thousands of small donations rather than a few large ones.

The ICI will employ quasi-civilitic principles to manage the IviCivi Project. As such, the staff and fellows will have relative autonomy over the manner and level of their contributions while receiving no specified compensation in exchange for work done. However, funds permitting, they will be gifted in proportion to their contributions at a level that would be similar to working within the exchange economic system.


Creating an alternative to explicit and implicit economic dependence