Definition of Terms

In treating any subject, it is important to establish the basic terminology being used. Although the definitions provided below are probably not the most authoritative, we are providing a variety of references for comparison.

The science of exchanges: adopted by Whately as a designation of political economy. — Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Political economy as the science of exchanges. — Merriam Webster
The study of social systems where goods and services are provided through voluntary contributions rather than through coercion of others or by way of an exchange agreement between individuals. — International Civilitics Institute
An institution of generalized reciprocity where rewards are derived from society at large, rather than as a part of a specific exchange. — the original Civilitics blog
The science which treats of wealth, its production, distribution, etc.; political economy. — Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
A science concerned with the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought. — Merriam Webster
Ivi (rhymes with “divvy”)
A measure of civilitic behavior. The merit that is achieved through investment in the overall social good without condition of personal gain. — International Civilitics Institute
IviCivi Project
A project, initiated by the International Civilitics Institute, to create a working framework for civilitics in society.
A gift-based social structure that incorporates some of the principles of civilitics but is limited in extent or scope.

Special note:

We appreciate that languages are dynamic things and that any new definitions provided above represent proposed forms and usages. Ultimately, the de facto definitions will be decided by common usage over time. Because civilitics is a comparatively new study, the language is expected to evolve considerably.


Creating an alternative to explicit and implicit economic dependence