Introducing a new word: ivi, which rhymes with divvy. It will be taken to mean those things which are done in a civilitic sense. This word is appropriate for a number of reasons, not least of which is that it is contained within the word civil – even though technically not the root of that word. It is also contained within the words giving and living, which are also relevant to the discussion. Besides all that, it is short and easy.
A new word
Ivi is about doing what is right or good or beneficial without consideration for the immediate personal return. Ivi is working for the common good. When a billionaire makes a public donation of a million dollars to a university, that might not be an ivi action. But when a homeless and hungry person shares their last loaf of bread, that’s an ivi action.
When people stop working to make a living and begin working to make a difference… that’s an ivi civilization.
[Update: 2015-08-21] In review of this post, it will be noted that the original definition of ivi, offered above, has already morphed into something slightly different. At this time, ivi is most often used to describe the merit achieved in contributing to the public good. So it is less often used as a verb (to do a public benefit action) and more as a noun (the merit or esteem earned for having taken action in the public benefit).